Software for batch crack
Download address: Download (200KB)
This program is based on the Microsoft .NET framework 4.6 . You can download
this component
Supported hash
types:md5,md5(md5($pass)),sha1,mysql,mysql5,sha256,sha256(md5($pass)),md5(unicode),oscommerce,joomla,dz,vb,mssql etc.
Not supported hash types:Md5(phpbbs),Md5(wordpress),Md5(unix),etc.

The program will automatically find the hash to crack. So you can specify the
original text file, without any conversion. You can drag the source file into this window.

There are 3 output file in the source file directory.
Source file name_Out.txt
--- file contains all the results, one record per line, format: original text +
space + result
Source file name_Found.txt ---contains only
successful records, format: original text + space + result
Source file name_Notfound.txt ---failure records,format: the same as the

Output format can be changed in the cmd5.exe.config