Important note:
1. This interface is under strict surveillance and must not be used for purposes such as reselling,proxy website queries,public searches,or any other unauthorized scenarios.Any violation will result in immediate account suspension without any explanation.Users who recharge with $20 or $100 are granted API access for testing purposes only.This access will be disabled 10 days after the first use.For continued use,other recharge amounts are required.
2. For each query, the fee will be deducted regardless of whether the decryption is successful or not
3. Fees will be deducted repeatedly if repeated queries are made
4. This interface does not support md5(Unix),md5(phpbb3),md5(wordpress) and other types
5. Multiple ciphertexts use the same software "mixed type" query, only query types such as Md5, Sha1, Sha256, Sha512, mysql, mysql5, etc.
6. Multiple ciphertext should be separated by commas.
Support up to 200 ciphertexts, separated by commas
Request method:GET
When decryption is successful, the result is returned directly. Multiple results are separated by tab.
In other cases, the string "CMD5-ERROR:"+ numeric code is returned. Listed below:
CMD5-ERROR:0 decryption failed
CMD5-ERROR:-1 invalid username or password
CMD5-ERROR:-2 insufficient balance
CMD5-ERROR:-3 decryption server failure
CMD5-ERROR:-4 unkown ciphertext
CMD5-ERROR:-7 hash type not supported by
CMD5-ERROR:-8 Api permission is banned for abuse
CMD5-ERROR:-9 Too many ciphertexts
CMD5-ERROR:-999 other errors